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Monopoly Express Mini travel Monopoly with miniature board and handy plastic case to go  Monopoly Express
Monopoly Express delivers a burst of property trading fun in 20 minutes. Collect properties and houses with a roll of the dice. Store all the pieces in the handy plastic case to go. Love the classic game of monopoly, but can't spare the time commitment for an entire board game? Get Monopoly Express! It's the game that's based on the luck of the roll of the dice and carries the essence of Monopoly - but can be played in under 20 minutes, anywhere and any time. For high speed games and travelling (you don't really want to lug the traditional full set about with you), Monopoly Express is the answer. Designed for two players, Express is a fast-play dice rolling game where you have to out wit and out bid your opponent for property domination. Includes a portable game board, 11 dice, a rolling bowl for all the dice, four houses, and a score-pad. For 2 or more players. Comes in portable storage case. Easy to learn and sets up in no time.
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